Getting mileage from your award wins
As highlighted in our blog section here the media can sometimes be sceptical of running stories about award wins.
However, we are able to help shape the story to make it as appealing as possible for media outlets and for using on social media platforms. Here are some examples of coverage achieved for award winning customers.
Sustainability Award
We wrote the winning submission and share the news of GMG Energy’s success at the Scottish Highland Renewable Energy Conference (SHREC) Awards 2022 by winning the Best Natural Capital award.
Read about their success here.
Apprentice Awards
Trade, National and Local press coverage can be secured when announcing the winners of an award ceremony. For example, the
Print Scotland awards gets coverage every year, such as this in leading title Print Week.
Plumber Going Global
SNIPEF plumber Connor made it to the Global skills competition for plumbers and came a respectable 7th in the end.
20 pieces of coverage were secured with pre-event and a post-event stories including BBC News here.
Inspiring Women Award
Dr Rashmi Mantri won an Inspiring Women Award as she is the founder of pioneering abacus training business Supermaths and British Youth International College.
8 pieces of coverage we secured including Asian Independent here.